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There's Ceiling Tile Painting and Then ...There's Ceiling Tile Painting


"We're talking about acoustical ceilings here,folks!!"


There are more acoustical ceiling tiles in place that are in various stages of ageing and discoloring, than there is looking fresh and new. That is a given. Another known fact is that the vast majority of aged/discolored ceiling tiles are in occupied spaces where commercial activity is on-going throughout the day.


Who wishes to purchase food in a supermarket that is dark and unattractive? How many workers enjoy working in an environment where eyes are strained and there is excessive dependence on artificial lighting?


Facility maintenance managers faces a Catch-22 situation in trying to deal with this challenge. On one hand, they would like to improve the situation while on the other hand business must go on as usual during normal work hours. That means that any intervention must be conducted during night-time hours when the space is vacated and be completed before employees arrive in the morning. This envelope of time dictates what can or cannot be done.

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